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Conseil Etudiant du CRBS

Le CRBS accueille des centaines d’étudiants talentueux aux cycles supérieurs, d’étudiants de premier cycle et de stagiaires postdoctoraux.


L’exécutif représente les stagiaires au conseil d’administration du CRBS et organise de nombreux événements et activités.


Shafqat Rasool: president

Shafqat Rasool est doctorant au département de biochimie et étudie le mécanisme  d’action moléculaire des protéines impliquées dans la maladie de Parkinson. Il s’intéresse vivement à la science et à la communication scientifique. En plus de sa participation au conseil étudiant du CRBS, il est également VP News pour Science & Policy Exchange

irem ulku: vp-non academic

jia yin (sally) xiao: vp- academic

dushyant jahagirdar: vp communication

tian xiao (peter) yang: vp communication

Shafqat Rasool: president

irem ulku: vp-non academic

tian xiao (peter) yang: vp communication

Rencontrez l'équipe

ali behvarmanesh


Ali is a fourth-year Ph.D. student at Dr. Gehring’s lab. He is studying the interactions of proteins using Deep Mutational Scanning (DMS) and next-generation sequencing. Ali graduated from the University of Birmingham, UK, with an M.Sc. degree in molecular biotechnology, where he did fragment-based drug discovery using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Ali is the co-president in the CRBS council, in which he works alongside other members to expand CRBS research to the broader scientific community. 

garvit bhatt


Garvit, born in Montreal but moved to Vancouver for his undergraduate degree in chemical biology at UBC. He later decided to move back to his hometown to continue his studies at McGill university in the pharmacology department. Co-supervised by Dr. Bhushan Nagar and Dr. Jean-Francois Trempe, he fast tracked into the PhD program to unravel the structural mechanisms involved in bacterial infections. As co-president, he is excited to contribute to the CRBS community by having more undergraduate outreach, setting up inter-departmental events and jump starting CRBS merchandise. Outside of lab, Garvit loves hiking, travelling, soccer and dancing!  

monika Kojic

vp communication


Monika is from Windsor, Ontario, where she completed her B.Sc. in Biochemistry at the University of Windsor. During her undergraduate studies, she worked in the Rondeau-Gagné lab on developing a conjugated lipid nanoparticle system for drug delivery and therapeutic use in glioblastoma multiforme treatment. She is currently a second-year M.Sc. student in the Department of Pharmacology, working in the McKeague lab, where she focuses on the development and in vitro screening of novel small activating RNA drugs for acute myeloid leukemia. Outside of the lab, she enjoys travelling, going to concerts, dancing, and spending time with friends and family.

sabrina romanelli

vp communication

Sabrina B&W_edited.jpg

Sabrina obtained her undergraduate degree from McGill University in Honours Pharmacology in spring 2022. During her undergraduate training, she participated in research projects in the domains of reproductive immunology and toxicology. In Fall 2022, she started her master’s degree in Pharmacology, excited to join the world of structural biology research. Her research will focus on better understanding proteins implicated in Early Onset Parkinson’s disease. When not in the lab, you can find her binge-watching Disney+ shows or spending time with her dog (Stella) and her friends!  

katherine morelli

vp academics


Katherine is from the United States and moved to Canada for her B.A. in Mathematics at McGill. She is now a third year PhD student in Dr. Vogel’s lab in the Biology Department. Katherine’s work in the Vogel lab seeks to understand how budding yeast position the metaphase spindle using specialized microtubules. Outside the lab, you can find her reading, playing frisbee, or skiing.

alexia piercey

vp academic


Alexia was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. She completed her undergraduate degree at McGill in Pharmacology in 2021. She is currently working on her MSc. in the department of Chemistry under the co-supervision of Dr. Karine Auclair and Dr. Christopher Thibodeaux, where she is studying the functional and structural features of enzymes involved in drug metabolism pathways. Outside of the lab, she enjoys spending time outside, cooking, and re-watching old sitcoms.

anirudh mantri

vp finance


Anirudh was born and raised in India. After completing his undergraduate in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, he joined McGill as a master's student in the fall of 2021 and continued for a Ph.D. thereafter. As a graduate student in Martin’s lab, he is working on biochemical and structural studies of NRPS-PKS hybrid enzymes. Outside the lab, he loves hiking, camping, cooking, and playing board games.

jingyu sun

vp academic


Jingyu was born and raised in China and obtained a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine at Yanbian University. He joined Dr. Joaquin Ortega’s lab as a master student and now is a PhD student in the fourth year. His research focuses on understanding the ribosome biogenesis in bacteria and the stalling mechanism of neuronal ribosomes. Outside the lab, he loves swimming and Oriental philosophy.

danilo ide

vp external


Danilo was born and raised in Ottawa and later moved to Montreal to complete his B.Sc. in Biochemistry at McGill. During his Bachelor’s, Danilo completed a research project in the lab of Bhushan Nagar where he chose to complete his graduate studies. Danilo’s research focuses on how poxviruses evade the innate immune response. As VP External, he aims to promote CRBS’s research through undergraduate outreach events. Outside of the lab, Danilo enjoys being active by playing ultimate frisbee, cycling, and sport climbing. 

elias kalthoff

vp finance

Elias CRBS picture_edited_edited.jpg

Elias was born and raised in Cologne, Germany. He completed his Bachelor and Master studies at the FSU Jena studying natural products and their biosynthesis. Now he tries to elucidate the structures of the megaenzymes producing these fascinating molecules as a Ph.D. student in the Schmeing Lab. In his free time, he enjoys nature, traveling and martial arts. 

tara shomali

vp external

sahil nagpal

vp social

ashkan shahsavan

vp social


I am a PhD student in the Hendricks' lab at the Department of Bioengineering. I work on controlling the activity of motor proteins in cells using optogenetics and understanding the role of different motors in cargo transport. I earned my master's degree in Molecular Bioengineering at TU Dresden, Germany where I worked in different labs across multiple research institutes in the city. This multi-disciplinary program incentivized me to do my master's thesis-work at the University of Helsinki, where I studied the dynamics of endoplasmic reticulum using super-resolution microscopy. Outside the lab, I find solace in reading spiritual books and spending time in nature.  

tianxiao peter yang

advisor emeritus

Peter was born in China, lived for a bit in Montreal, but grew up mostly in Seattle. After obtaining his undergraduate degree in biochemistry at UCLA, Peter returned to Montreal to continue studying biochemistry at McGill University. As a PhD student in the lab of Dr. Alba Guarné, he is focused on harnessing the therapeutic potential of defects in DNA repair pathways and DNA nanostructures. Outside of research, Peter loves basketball, art, comedy, and life in general.

Le CRBS a plusieurs initiatives en cours pour aider ses membres, ses étudiants et la communauté scientifique en général à développer leurs projets de recherche grâce à la biologie structurale et à la biophysique.

Bourses d'étude du CRBS

Les bourses d’études du CRBS sont des allocations offertes aux étudiants à la maîtrise et au doctorat qui effectuent présentement des travaux de recherche dans le laboratoire d’un membre régulier du CRBS. Il existe une catégorie distincte pour les étudiants co-supervisés par deux membres du CRBS.


Les bourses, d'un montant de 12 000$,  sont décernées pour une période de 12 mois (du 1er septembre au 31 août) et ne sont pas renouvelables. La date limite du prochain concours sera en mai 2024.    


Félicitations aux lauréats 2023-2024 et à Katherine Morelli, récipiendaire de la troisième bourse d'études  en mémoire de Maximilian Eivaskhani.

Bourses de voyage du CRBS

Les étudiants du CRBS seront soutenus financièrement afin de participer à des activités de formation et de transfert de connaissance d'envergure internationale. Les bourses de voyage du CRBS permettront de couvrir les coûts reliés à la participation des étudiants à des formations externes spécialisées, à des conférences et à des ateliers. Les demandes de bourses seront évaluées par le Comité Bourses et Formation afin de garantir que les étudiants choisis retireront tous les avantages d'un cours ou d'une conférence, et seront en mesure de transférer les connaissances acquises aux membres et étudiants du CRBS. Afin d'être éligible à une bourse pour assister à une conférence, les étudiants devront y présenter des travaux de recherche originaux sous forme de présentation orale ou d’affiche.


Le CRBS offrira chaque année 15 bourses de voyage d'un montant de 500$ à 1 000$ chacune. Lors d’une session de fin d’été de « débriefing de conférence/cours », les étudiants exposeront  les travaux de recherche les plus passionnants présentés à la conférence à laquelle ils auront participée, ou les derniers développements méthodologiques discutés lors d'un cours. Ainsi, l'ensemble des étudiants du CRBS pourra bénéficier de ce transfert de connaissance par d'autres étudiants. 


La date limite du prochain concours sera en mai 2024.


Félicitations aux lauréats 2023-2024.   


Bourses de mobilité du CRBS et GPS

La bourse de mobilité du CRBS, en partenariat avec le GPS (bureau des études supérieures et post-doctorales),  permet aux étudiants des cycles supérieurs d'étudier et de mener des travaux de recherche à l’étranger, dans le cadre de leur programme d'études à l'université McGill, en défrayant une partie des coûts associés à cette expérience internationale. Cette bourse, financée par le gouvernement du Québec, est offerte à tous les étudiants inscrits à un programme d’études supérieures à l'université McGill et effectuant une thèse à temps plein. Plusieurs bourses sont réservées aux étudiants du CRBS afin qu'ils bénéficient d'opportunités d'étudier à l'étranger.  La bourse de mobilité fait partie intégrante du plan d'étude de l'étudiant et contribue à l’achèvement de sa thèse.


Les étudiants du CRBS peuvent soumettre une demande de Bourse de mobilité en suivant la procédure indiquée sur le site internet du GPS : Les étudiants doivent indiquer CRBS dans la section Programme de la demande. Le directeur ou le directeur associé du CRBS signe le formulaire à la place du directeur des études supérieures et du doyen associé (l’espace pour la signature du doyen associé peut être laissé vide).


Le traitement des demandes peut prendre jusqu’à 4 semaines et les paiements sont versés un mois avant la date de début du voyage. 

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